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LGBTQIA2S+ Mental Health 

Folks who are part of the LGBTQIA2S+ community come from a diverse range of backgrounds, identities, and experiences. The intersections of these perspectives contribute to a vibrant and resilient community that can be an important source of strength, belonging, and pride for many people.  

At the same time, many within this community face unique challenges when it comes to their mental health and wellness, often connected to socio-economic and cultural discrimination, a lack of family acceptance and support, system inequities, and other factors. These challenges can be multiplied for individuals who come from minoritized racial/ethnic and cultural identities. 

Understanding the unique risk factors facing this community is vital to achieving true health equity. 

What does LGBTQIA2S+ mean? 

LGBTQIA2S+ is an acronym used to describe the group of folks who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, or Two Spirit. The “+” indicates other minoritized identities such as pansexual or nonbinary. This umbrella term is commonly used to identify any kind of diverse sexuality or gender. (Check out this glossary of terms to learn more.) 

Gender identity and sexual orientation is a spectrum. For this reason, creating a single term that encompasses such a vastly diverse and multi-faceted community inevitably leaves some individuals feeling excluded. When in doubt, use the terms, names, and pronouns that people use to describe themselves. 

LGBTQIA2S+ Mental Health Statistics 

Mental health and wellness doesn’t happen in a vaccuum. Experts now understand that a wide range of factors can impact a person’s quality of life and their long-term health – including where they are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age. These factors are referred to as the Social Determinants of Health.  

The statistics below demonstrate how the Social Determinants of Health impact the LGBTQIA2S+ community in significant and measurable ways. 

Healthy People 2030 Sdoh Graphic Domain Labels

Additional Learning & Resources 

LGBTQIA2S+ mental health resources 

Mental Health America’s Guide to LGBTQ+ Communities and Mental Health 

Okra Project
A grassroots nonprofit that addresses food insecurity in the Black community, as well as mental health recovery funds to provide Black trans men and women sessions with a licensed Black therapist, free of cost. 

Local LGBTQIA2S+ organizations & programs 

National LGBTQIA2S+ organizations & programs