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5 Tips for Managing Depression


Depression is something that millions of people across the world deal with every day, so it is important to understand that you are not alone.  

While it can often feel unmanageable, there ARE ways to help yourself or a loved one who is affected by depression. People who feel depressed can and do get better and live full productive lives. 

Tip #1: Get it out 

When dealing with negative thoughts or emotions, it is beneficial to recognize your strengths as a person and how loved ones value you. It can help to ask someone you love or trust to tell you what strengths they see in you. Having another person explain your strengths and what you mean to them can be very beneficial in boosting self-esteem and will help remind you that you are cared about. 

Writing your strengths down can be helpful too because the act of writing can make something feel more real and you can always look back on it when you are struggling. This can help you realize that you have worth and are not alone. 

Tip #2: Seek out loved ones 

In fact, an amazingly helpful tip is to spend time with friends, family, and any other loved ones. Positive social interactivity can help foster a positive lifestyle.  

Your friends and family can help support you in your goals and generally be a source of strength and encouragement. Even if you struggle to motivate yourself, keeping up with positive social activities will help engage your brain and keep your mind off negative thoughts. 

Tip #3: Use stress managing tactics 

Managing stress and negative thoughts will allow you to feel calmer and happier. Deep breathing, meditation, and listening to music are all great ways to ease your mind and relax yourself. Do things that give you enjoyment. Hobbies are helpful in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

Taking care of yourself will help make you feel better overall. Maintaining a healthy diet, spending time outdoors in the sunlight, and getting at least eight hours of sleep will help immensely in making you feel refreshed and ready for the day. 

If you are a parent of a child who is exhibiting depression symptoms, it is crucial to model appropriate self-care in your own life. If you are keeping yourself healthy and managing your own stress productively, then this will show your child the right steps to take in proper self-care. 

Staying healthy and maintaining regular schedules in your life is a great way to keep your mind healthy. Sticking to schedules and goals can be hard sometimes, but being able to stay on track with these types of things will help keep you focused on positive things in your life. 

Tip #4: Be active 

Regular exercise can help in more ways than just keeping your mind off negativity. Exercise releases endorphins in your brain that enhance your sense of well-being. These natural chemicals in your brain interact with receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain and trigger a positive feeling in your body. Exercise and movement can be a healthy way to cope with depression. 

Coping with depression by using alcohol or other substances is a downward spiral and will not cure depression but make it worse. Managing depression through exercise and healthy habits will however give you confidence and help keep your head in the right place.

Tip #5: Seek professional help 

While some of these tips above can help some people manage depression, it’s important to understand when it’s beneficial to talk with a therapist if symptoms persist. Being open and honest with a therapist will help them help you

Often, therapy for depression includes learning new ways to think about certain events or experiences in your life. Stay receptive to treatment options and new perspectives, considering all the options often makes it easier to choose the right one. 

Here are some additional helpful resources for dealing with depression in the Colorado area: